As an experienced divorce attorney in Oklahoma, my firm has handled what we would call successful divorce cases and others that we would deem disasters because of the turmoil and anger involved in the process. So, how can a divorce be “successful?” Determination of success may be based upon different criteria than most ideas of success. Successful divorces are more about compromising than winning.
No matter what your circumstances are, if you face a divorce, you can try to follow certain guidelines that can remove some of the emotions involved in the decisions that must take place by adhering to the following:

  • Determine that the goal of your divorce is for both parties to end a poor marriage in a manner that allows two people to start anew as independent individuals who can move forward.
  • Actually end the relationship as much as possible. If you have children, you will obviously still have to interact, but do not attempt to be each other’s best friend. Many couples result to putting their children in the middle of their divorce, which only adds to the dysfunction of the process.
  • Realize that the divorce may be the end of one area of your life, but it is the start of a new life for each person involved. As a divorce attorney, one of my main goals is to ensure the party I represent feels equipped to begin this new chapter in his or her life, financially, materially and psychologically. If this new start remains the focus for both parties, it will limit the emotions from the past that are involved throughout the process.

Oklahoma Divorce Legal Counsel
Divorces do not occur under good circumstances. Successful divorces can end in a fresh start for two people. Contact Robert R. Robles today for a free consultation to see how our firm can help you through this difficult time.