When a person is injured, many times there is a personal injury case that will follow. These cases can be settled or go to trial. If you do go to trial, it is your chance to argue your case, in hopes to win a judgement against the offender. When both sides have pleaded their case, the judge will then decide if there are damages to be paid, and to what extent.
Personal injury cases can be complex, but having the right attorney can make all the difference in the world. If you do win your lawsuit, you may be awarded monetary compensation for your injuries. This can come in the form of two major categories: punitive and compensatory damages. Punitive damages were established to create a punishment directed at the person who caused the injury while compensatory damages were established to pay the person who was hurt.

Negotiating the compensatory damages many times is based on costs you can calculate such as:

  • Medical expenses – Hospital bills, Doctor Visits, Medications, Rehab, and even daily pain and suffering
  • Property Damages – Damages to your vehicle, personal items, home, or whatever was damaged in the process
  • Loss of Work – lost days from work can be calculated based on your salary
  • Future Lost income – lost work going forward because of the injury can be calculated as well
  • Future Medical Expenses – ongoing medical treatments due to the injury can be calculated into the compensation

Punitive Damages are decided by the judge based on the severity of the injury and the intent of the offender. Many times these are harder to get, however, they can be awarded in some cases. Sometimes just the threat of punitive damages will encourage a defendant to settle on the compensatory amounts requested.

Contact A Legal Representative

Having the right attorney will be your biggest asset in your personal injury case. At the Robert R. Robles Law Firm, I have provided aggressive and effective representation to clients throughout Oklahoma, and would love to speak to you about your case today. To get started on your case contact us online today or give us a call at 405-232-7980. Let us start working on your Oklahoma City personal injury case immediately.