The Oklahoma legislative process is proceeding at its normal rate and considering legislation bearing on gun rights. Here is a review of the current status of gun legislation of interest to gun owners posted by my friends at US Law Shield:
In Oklahoma, Bill to Stop Public Funds for Gun Control Moves On

Oklahoma House Bill 1803, which prohibits the expenditure of public monies to oppose rights protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, has passed out of the House Public Safety Committee by a vote of 7-6.
U.S. Law Shield of Oklahoma Independent Program Attorney Robert Robles indicated this is a bill Members should watch. The bill was introduced by Rep. Sean Roberts (R-Hominy) and is the House version of Senate Bill 386.
“The right to keep and bear arms is one of the most sacred to our citizenry,” Roberts told KSWO News. “With the state facing a deficit of over $850 million for the upcoming fiscal year, the practice of spending taxpayer dollars lobbying for gun control needs to end.”
One of the bill’s co-authors, Rep. Jeff Coody (R-Grandfield), added to KSWO, “I am thankful that we can move closer to the day when the constitutional rights of Oklahoma citizens will not be trampled on by unelected bureaucrats whose salaries and expenses are paid with the tax dollars of those citizens.”
Independent Program Attorney Robles points to three more pro-gun bills that have been passed out of their respective committees and are awaiting consideration in both chambers of the Oklahoma Legislature:
House Bill 2323, also sponsored by Representative Coody, would allow anyone who is 21 years of age or older to carry a pistol in a vehicle without the requirement of having to obtain a handgun license.
Senate Bill 275, sponsored by state Senator Nathan Dahm, reforms Oklahoma’s state preemption laws and makes technical changes to clarify the intent of the laws.
Senate Bill 397, sponsored by state Senator Kyle Loveless, would end Oklahoma’s prohibition on the carry of firearms on public buses and allow those with a valid handgun permit to carry a firearm on those buses.
Click here to monitor the status of these and other bills on the Oklahoma State Legislature site.
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