How Legitimate is a “Make My Day” Claim?

GO AHEAD….OR DON’T The “Make My Day Claim,” also known as the United States Law Shield, supposedly exists to protect those who shoot and kill in an act of self defense. The reality is that the law is often misinterpreted, leading people to...

Top three real estate contract mistakes

Most contracts for the sale and purchase of real estate contain a provision that the agreement is contingent on the approval of buyer’s attorney. Buyer’s attorney might cancel or request modification of the contract for any number of reasons. A...

First steps of dissolving a business partnership

While not complicated, dissolving a business partnership is a specific process. Failure to take the proper steps can result in unwanted consequences and extended liability for the involved parties. The key goal for the involved parties should be to resolve any...

Employer Forged W2, What Can I Do?

If you are in a situation where an employer forged your W2, you are dealing with a serious tax fraud issue. Most people can get around these problems easily, but you still need an attorney to help you sort out how to handle the situation on your end. The attorney will...

Shareholder Disputes

“There is nothing more likely to start a disagreement with people or countries, than an agreement.” E.B. White Not unlike a marriage, when partners agree to go into business together, as E.B. White so eloquently says, there will be disagreements. All who have a voice...

Process For Applying For A Zoning Designation

“Everything is negotiable. Whether or not the negotiation is easy is another thing.” Carrie Fisher As is the case with most metropolitan cities, Oklahoma City has regulations that affect how certain allotments of land can be used, how certain buildings can be built,...