Blaming the Plaintiff

In Oklahoma personal injury cases, defendants can argue that the plaintiff is partially to blame for the incident that caused a plaintiff’s injuries. If the court finds that the plaintiff is indeed partially responsible for the incident, it typically affects the...

Oklahoma Earthquakes Lead to Oil & Gas Lawsuits

Oklahoma experienced heightened earthquake activity in January, with more than 130 earthquakes registering magnitudes of 2.5 or higher on the Richter Scale. These earthquakes have left behind property damage and also knocked out the local power supply, leaving...

Grandparent Rights

For many children, the grandparents are an integral part of their lives. When parents separate or divorce, both parents’ relationship with their in-laws can become strained. Too often, this strain effects the child’s relationship with their grandparents. Grandparents...

Types of Child Custody

If you are seeking custody of your child, you need to know that there are different types of custody arrangements. In child custody cases, a judge will always consider the best interests of the child. According to the American Bar Association, most states have laws...